Dr Baback Amen
Medical Physician
Dr. Baback Amen, M.D., is a physician practicing at the interface of science and spirituality. He specializes in holistic and integrative health and has accrued a wealth of expertise in the arenas of bio-optimization, precision, and personalized medicine.
In addition to being a board-certified anesthesiologist, he is also trained in Functional and Longevity Medicine. He leads a thriving private practice, comprised of a multidisciplinary team of health professionals who collectively guide high-impact clients to optimal health.
Dr. Amen’s boundless passion for human flourishing has been informed by his lifelong study of the more esoteric and spiritual modes of health promotion, namely meditation, breathwork, ancient Taoist and Tantric practices, and the ceremonial use of ancient plant medicines.
Alongside his clinical career, he is also an entrepreneur, as well as an international speaker, having shared the stage with leading luminaries at events as diverse as MindValley’s A-Fest in Ibiza, through to The World Congress of Anti-Aging Medicine in Monaco.
He is an ardent and cogent voice on an array of topics, including neuroscience, the psychedelic renaissance, sacred intimacy, and the use of the scientific process to cultivate vitality and longevity.
Workshop/Presentation: Towards a Unified Model of Consciousness: The
Confluence of Neuroscience, Psychedelics and Quantum Mechanics