Adele Emelson
Traditional Bwiti Healer
Adele has a professional background of 20 years working in healthcare services as a nurse trained at Lethbridge Community College (LCC). She is certified as an Emergency Medical Responder from Alberta Health and Safety Institute (AHASTI), Laboratory Assistant from Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), and Yoga Alliance 200 Yoga Teacher Training from Loka Yoga. Adele was pre-initiated in 2014 in the Bwiti tradition by her teacher Moughenda Mikala and is a full initiate into the Missoko Tradition. She has been supporting souls with medicine and tradition since 2014. While Adele strictly adheres to the Bwiti tradition, ceremony and integration are informed by her ongoing study of psychology, neuroscience, and addiction studies at the University of Lethbridge. She is in private practice, seeing clients for retreat preparation, integration, and ongoing counseling.
Adele has a deep knowledge of the struggles that the people she guides with the medicine are facing. She is intuitively guided to create a supportive environment for guests to do their own transformational work. Adele’s dedication to her guests is shown with humility, compassion, a no-nonsense approach with love while she holds a safe container for healing to take place. She understands that her guests are not just working through trauma and addiction but have a soul wound that needs to be healed. She is simply a bridge for the medicine and the people who need it.
“When I see someone with addiction or mental health issues, I am not just treating the symptoms; I am treating the person and their soul. I see a beautiful soul who has been forgotten. Iboga shows you a deeper understanding of what we really are as divine beings.”
Iboga Plant Medicine and Bwiti Tradition
Exploring the cross-overs between the psychedelic state and the mystical state, as expressed through the great English-language mystical poets, including Walt Whitman, G.M Hopkins, Elizabeth Barrett-Browning and others.