Orly Faya
Orly Faya is an anthropologist, writer, poet, advocate for the earth, peace, and visual artist. With a background in design, coaching and almost two decades of living around the globe as a travelling artist, Orly’s expansive appreciation of culture, society and spirituality leads the way for her insightful initiatives, offerings and collaborations.
As a multi disciplinary artist, therapeutic/shamanic face and body painting evolved naturally, whereby Orly combines the somatic and the energetic realms through creative immersion experiences. Infinitely inspired to support the global community to awaken and empower, her work is a declaration of the sacred, creativity and celebration of diversity.
Having recently completed an undisclosed body of work for exhibition, Orly is working towards a complementary thesis circling themes such as the absence of the goddess, revelations of psychedelics, and the monopolisation of faith.
Artful Transformation
Psychedelic healing & the power of Art & Live Body Paint Transformation - Our Human Vessel